"Why didn't you ask/tell me." My friend asked me that question and that struck me. We have heard our leaders or other believers tell us that if we don't share the gospel with our friends one day when you go to heaven and you see them at the gates of heaven begging to go in and when they see you, they ask "why didn't you tell me." Or at least that was what my leader told me yesterday. Somehow, that seems so far away and we don't see the weight of their words. For me, when I heard that my heart was stirred and I did vow to myself that I will do something different, share with my friends when I see them on Monday. But I don't think I really saw the severity of her words till today when I saw my classmate in church and she asked me that question. She was invited by my discipler and I really thank God that God used her to share and helped me learn a lesson. I realised that all our fears that we carry when contemplate whether or not share was all non-existent. The message today that was preached was totally in line. “Stop making excuses, start living for Christ.” We are not the ones who are speaking when we share but it is God that is. We are just His instrument. We have the fear of rejection; prejudice; one’s inability and even what if this spoils the relationship. However God is in control and we really never know until we try. Really, if you don’t do it who will. Not everyone gets such a rare chance of someone else helping you to share. My church is setting the whole month of July to reaching out to souls. That is what we need to do. There has been a lot of talk going around about the end of the world coming and there are so many signs and happenings in the world that God has said will be a sign of His second hour. We need to recognise the urgency of the hour, the clock is ticking really fast and we do not have much time left on our hands. We all have our thousand and one excuses but I have also come to learn when we let Jesus take the wheel, we know that we are going to be okay, The excuses may seem very valid, may seem like the perfect reason why we shouldn’t. However when we say yes they are really just excuses. Lay your fears down at His feet and let God use whether little you have. If you won’t who will. Will you keep good news to yourself or go around proclaiming it? I was just thinking what if non-believers ask why should I believe in this so called Jesus. As I put myself in the shoes of them, the church really seems like a cult. Sometimes, I do question God are you real? But He is and I know that for sure because of what He has done in my life and what I see He has done in other people’s life. Just plant the seed and let God do the rest. =)
*I wasn’t even planning to write so much so i believe that this is God, so if you read this maybe it is really for you. God Bless.=)