Last week, I went camping with my family and friends at East Coast. We were there from thursday 9+pm to Friday 11+am. We slept in tents, haha. After that, I spent Friday night and the whole of Saturday with my cousins and family at Sentosa. Do you know why there are so many sunrise pics? Cause I slept at 2am and woke up at 6am, couldn't sleep it was so cold. Anyway the colours were so pretty I couldn't stop snapping. As a result there will 2 posts. Back to reality, I was so tired that I spent the whole friday afternoon sleeping. My sore throat worsen and now I have flu too. Still recovering, but they are very mild now. Enjoy!

My free model, sunrise isn't nice alone. His silhouette makes the picture less boring.

My other free model couple, the guy actually tried to pose after that. I didn't take him close up though. I would have been nice if they were holding hands, but i think they are just friends.

Can you see the plane?

East Coast Park is full of people doing their morning exercise, a tip is that you take their silhouette to make the picture more interesting. Watch out for more!